Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Technical Report Writing Structure

 For writing a technical report, one must follow a well-defined structure that is simple to use and has a clear statement of the report’s goal. Here, we have included a list of few pages that you need for your report. The face of your project report is the cover page. Therefore, it must include information like title, author’s name, and the name of the institution. Though the information here is straightforward, try to make it a bit appealing.

Following the cover page comes the title page that informs the reader about the current state of the project. This page must also include the name of your mentor or teacher.


As per this page, we present an overview of the report, which is referred to as an executive summary. The main purpose of this page is to provide an abstract reading.


This page is presented in the form of a declaration that indicates that all the sources are given necessary credits, and nothing has been copied.


Here you introduce the group of people or institutions that have helped you during the project.

Table of contents

Here you need to mention each chapter and subchapter into separate sections.

Intermediate chapter

This is where each chapter of your project gets divided into sub-sections. All sectors must work together with the same purpose. Keep following things in mind-

  • In the opening of each chapter, you must clarify what the aim is.
  • All the suggestions taken should be mentioned in your study.
  • Always verify the outcomes produced; do not include them as per your opinion.


The main purpose of the concluding paragraph is to discuss that your project gets completed here. You need to also mention the conclusions of each chapter. Your goals must be stated as well, and to what extent have these goals been attained. Do not forget to specify the appendices. Mention what your outcomes are and what role does research play in your project.


This one is the most crucial section. Here you need to mention all those sources from which the information has been taken. The absence of this section will cost you a lot. Therefore, you need to give proper acknowledgment to your sources and show your support for others.


Many confuse this term with references, but in reality, this is something different. References mean that you provide facts gleaned through your investigation that have already been published by someone else. At the same time, a bibliography is where you present a record of all the material that has been used for the purpose of reading, encouragement and is not directly related to your research.

So, this was the structure of a technical report. Hope that you find it useful. Apart from this, if you ever need help regarding your academic assignments or projects, feel free to contact our online assignment writing services for professional help and guidance.

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