Sunday, April 28, 2019

What makes students dead tired after school?

It is not an uncommon situation to encounter your teenaged daughter or son asking you to leave him/her, since the former is very tired. This often annoys parents and they question why their children are so fatigued after school, but trust us, students also often wonder the same. Added to their woes are the biological and chemical changes that the body is going through, which confuse them all the more. Students often themselves don’t understand the reasons behind their fatigue, and this blog is an attempt to throw some light on why they feel what they feel.
A teenager is in his/her growing years, and thus has different types of needs and longings for both, the body and the mind. Teenagers are on the threshold between adulthood and childhood, and they also undergo numerous changes in their daily life, the expectations that other people have of them, and also their hormones. At the same time, they are occupied with a myriad of other challenges also, which include academic pressure, changes in the body, hormonal imbalance, etc. They also need to maintain a balance between their academic and personal life, and ensure that they excel in all fields. All this havoc which is going on in a student’s life, which we as parents often fail to understand, is what creates this fatigue and exhaustion in their minds, and thus by extension in their lives. There are numerous other unsaid issues and problems as well that these teenagers face, and one has to agree, dealing with so much stress single-handedly is not at all an easy task.
We must try and understand this pain and suffering that is going on in a student’s life, and try to give all the love and support that we can.
Young boys and girls feel tired and stressed because academics and other activities drain up all their energy. What follows are numerous negative consequences, which include lack of confidence, poor results, increased levels of irritation, etc. This energy drain is the root cause of all woes of a student since he or she is then unable to lead a normal and healthy and happy life.

Here are some top reasons why this energy drain takes place so rapidly:

1.     Lack of sleep:
A lack of adequate sleep means that you do not wake up feeling fresh and relaxed. And when the mind has not got enough time to relax and calm down, the entire day ahead is spent being grumpy and annoyed at every little thing. Moreover, the constant use of laptops, smartphones, etc. only ends up causing students to sleep late and then get fewer hours of rest.

2.     Lack of proper diet and exercise
It is crucial to have a proper diet, and follow it up with some kind of physical activity, in order to feel fresh all the time. Those who do not follow this regime are naturally tired all the time.

3.     Increasing dependence on caffeine
Students often have coffee all night, so that they can stay awake and complete their assignments and home work in time. This disrupts their sleep and gives them headaches and lethargy, which then troubles them the next day.

This blog was written by an online assignment expert from MakeMyAssignments, your one-step solution to online assignment help services and online assignment help. For more such blogs and related information, visit our website for more. 

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