Monday, March 2, 2020

Top 5 advantages of Greenhouse gases

The discussion about greenhouse effect revolves around the debate that whether it is truly harmful or essential for us. According to some experts, these greenhouse gases can be an essential element in providing a sustainable environment for us. These people argue that without the greenhouse gases, it would be difficult to maintain the atmosphere required to sustain life on Earth.

While, on the other hand, most of us argue that the greenhouse effect is ultimately a hazard created by man and is putting several lives in danger every single day. So, before forming an opinion about the effect of greenhouse gases, it is very important to understand what it is and why it is important to us.

What is the greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse effect can be defined as the trapping of heat radiated onto the Earth’s surface by the sun with the help of various gases present in the atmosphere. The majorly responsible gases for the greenhouse effect are-

·         Carbon dioxide
·         Methane
·         Water vapor
·         Ozone
·         Nitrous oxide

These all gases are together remarked as greenhouse gases. However, oxygen and nitrogen, which constitute the majority of the Earth’s atmosphere, are both not included in the greenhouse gases.

Advantages of greenhouse gases
It is commonly known to us that greenhouse gases cause global warming. But most of us do not realize that these greenhouse gases are also responsible for sustaining life on Earth.

Let’s see how!

Greenhouse gases as a barrier filter
The greenhouse gases often work as a barrier filter for the atmosphere. Solar energy gets radiated by the sun on Earth, and the greenhouse gases make sure that 45% of these harmful radiations do not reach the surface of the Earth by bouncing back most of the damaging UV radiations back into space.

Greenhouse gases maintain the ideal temperature
Greenhouse gases maintain an ideal habitable temperature on the surface of the Earth. The only reason behind the habitable nature of Earth is due to the fact that the temperature level on the planet is maintained well at an ideal level. This makes it possible for plants, animals, humans and other organisms to thrive. The Earth is warm enough to achieve an ideal temperature all because of the greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases and Ozone
Ozone is considered to be as one of the essential greenhouse gases. It’s the only gas that prevents the ultraviolet rays from entering the Earth’s surface. Thus, protecting us from severe damage caused, including skin diseases.

Greenhouse gases maintain the water level
It is all because of the greenhouse effect that we can maintain the water levels on Earth. The planet has not melted completely because of the moderate temperature that exists on Earth.

Greenhouse gases and agriculture
The greenhouse effect has also enabled human agricultural practices to overcome the boundation of the climate.

     It helps with heating water
·         It allows farmers to grow seasonal crops whenever they want.

·         Greenhouse gases also provide variations in temperature that synthetically create whichever season the farmers choose.

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