Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What are the most common literary techniques?

A literary device is considered to be a specific aspect of literature or some particular work that we can recognize, identify, interpret and analyze. Literary techniques are said to be something specific, deliberate or construction of language which an author often uses to convey meaning. Authors generally use literary techniques to describe or emphasize certain emotions or feelings.

There are more than 50 literary techniques that an author can use, but we’ve decided to make your job easier and highlight the most important ones.

The allegory
An allegory can include any poem or a story interpreted in such a manner that it reveals an underlying symbolic meaning.

The allusion
This is the aspect of implied reality used in literature. It usually tends to refer to something in an indirect manner.

The anachronism
Anachronism comes out to be an intentional error in chronology used in literature. This is simply used to emphasize a certain idea or symbol.

A colloquial is an expression that is used most commonly in regional or dialectal language. It basically comes out in the form of informal language or slang.

The epigraph
An epigraph is a quotation that is posted at the beginning of a literary piece to suggest its narrative and theme.

The euphemism
Euphemism is considered to be a substitute for offensive expression. The idea here is conveyed indirectly.

The flashback
A flashback is an aspect of memory described in detail. It is generally used to add a context in some story and background information about the characters, plots and important events.

The foreshadowing
Foreshadowing is a clever technique that is often used to indicate what is about to come in an indirect way.

The hyperbole
The hyperbole is used to exaggerate a specific characteristic, idea or concept in order to highlight its importance. It can be used in both positive and negative ways.

The figurative language of literature is called imagery. Authors might use imagery to appeal to our deepest emotions and senses.

Irony means overstating an idea by emphasizing mainly towards its opposite meaning.

This type of literary technique is commonly used to compare and contrast between two challenging topics.

A metaphor is a comparison that can be used to clarify to emphasize a certain word or phrase. It usually suggests an analogy between two concepts.

Personification takes place when the author tries to attribute human, personal qualities or some inanimate objects. It tends to create a clearer mental picture in the mind of the reader.

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